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Marshall Wace Tech Talk

Join us for Marshall Wace's OxWoCS Tech Talk and Q&A!

Marshall Wace would like to invite you to a virtual presentation from two of our current graduates Nathalie Cauchi a Quant Developer whom joined us 2.5 years ago and is a former society committee member. She will discuss how she uses her Doctorate on Computer Sciences for her role day to day and what she has learnt working in hedge fund. Our other speaker Hannah Moran joined us last year as a Quant Researcher and she completed her PhD at Imperial College London in Chemical Engineering. Both speakers will be taking any and all questions and we would love to have you down to London for an in person meeting later in the year.

Sign up here

1 March

Dynamical modeling, decoding, and control of multiscale brain networks: from motor to mood

8 March

International Women's day Lunch